5 Days to a Clutter Free House

5 Days to a Clutter-Free House

Last month was organizing month, but I certainly didn’t get organized in a month! We are constantly trying to figure out new ways to keep ourselves, our home, our children and all our stuff organized. After reading this book, 5 Days to a Clutter Free House, by Sandra Felton and Marsha Sims, I think our biggest problem is the up keep. I’d have to be on my children 24/7 for them to pick up and put away everything they touch each day; and I grow weary of doing so and give up all too often rather than keeping on, keeping on.

5 Days to a Clutter Free House provides a step-by-step plan of action to help you get your house organized in less than a week, as the title suggests. It may seem impossible if you are buried in a cluttered mess but the authors use the approach of gathering a team of people to help you and they give you tips on how to gather that team together too. Since we are a family of ten I plan on getting the whole family working on our problem areas so we can get our house in order before my mom arrives in a little over two weeks. Think drill Sargent!

The first part of the book is about “Getting it Under Control” and the second part is maintaining the order you created in just five days.

I liked the plan of action the authors provided. Many of their suggestions are very similar to what we do when doing a major cleaning. We get the children to make 3-4 piles: toys, clothes, garbage and papers/school work or books depending on what we are items are laying around. We usually use bags, but I like the idea of boxes. New boxes to stack and keep things in order as you put every thing back in its place…seems like a small expense to pay for order in the home.

I liked the biblical basis of where order comes from and we often quote it to our children, “God is not a God of chaos but order”, after all he didn’t hang the trees upside down, right?

I enjoyed reading the list of what disorganized people tend to be like in the preface of the book…page 9…if you want to look it up to see if you fit the description. Then later on page 27 they say this, “Messies tend to be perfectionists at heart.” Sound like you? Don’t worry you aren’t alone!

I think this book would be an encouragement to anyone dealing with clutter as it does give a solid plan of how to create order out of the clutter. I think the key to maintaining order is creating new habits, as the second half of the book recommends.

“Available February 2013 at your favorite bookseller from Revell, a division of Baker Publishing Group.”

Faith and Family Reviews received the following product in exchange for writing a review. While we consider it a privilege to receive products to review, our reviews are our honest opinion and thoughts of the product.


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  1. Mellsa says:

    De-cluttering my house is definitely on my to do list.

  2. Donna says:

    I’ve been gradually de-cluttering my home since August.

  3. It’s going to take way more than 5 days for my house. unless I had someone marathon watching my kids!

  4. Meghan, the testimonies of those who decluttered with their kids at home did take longer than five days. And that’s ok, it’s whatever works for you and your family, you know?

    Donna and Mellsa, it’s always a work in progress around here. Surfaces, office and basement are the worst right now….oh and the laundry room since my son has been on laundry duty.

  5. Do they give tips on how to actually get your kids to not whine about it and help at least a little bit willingly? That’s the problem around my house. My teen seems to think that the world just keeps going, no matter how much she doesn’t do. Bathroom clean themselves, right?

  6. Lisa, unfortunately they do not get into how to get your children to help willingly. At our house there are consequences for not doing their work. We explain that work is good (God created work before sin entered the world). Have you tried taking a privilege away?

  7. Ugh — I need to declutter … but I also need to teach my kids how to take care of their responsibilities.

  8. Colleen says:

    I have all kinds of things I want to get done this would be one of them, especially my closet and kitchen drawers, and garage.

  9. There’s always something to teach children, Rachel, it’s so overwhelming at times.

    Colleen, I hear you. At least if we focus on the worst areas we’ll feel like we are
    accomplishing something.

  10. Candace says:

    I am adding that to my Kindle list right now, thank you for the awesome review!

  11. ive been trying to declutter for months. Do it in 5 days LMAO ya like that will never work for me

  12. […] **This post was inspired by what I have learned from Natalie at Organized Habits and the book 5 Days to a Clutter Free House. […]

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